
Well I haven’t been active on my blog for months! 

You know some things have happened where it was difficult for me to get it together to get on my blog. Also, I was having some thoughts regarding my blog and where I wanted to take it and what I should talk about.

The second, continues to weigh on my mind. I just wonder if people actually give a shit about whats happening in my life or what I find or don’t find helpful. However, I do find writing to be an effective form of self-expression for me. I’m not very good at art or other creative stuff. However, I can get lost in a book and do enjoy writing. I’ve always kept a journal. I have some dating back to when I didn’t even speak or write in English (mother tongue is French)! So back before I was even a teen! Journaling about fights with my siblings or fights with my parents. 

So anyways, I think I’m gonna continue on with my blog and just see where it takes me. No one that I know personally knows about my blog and reads it. I feel like that was one of my concerns at first as I am a private person when it comes to my problems, and I don’t like people knowing my personal problems. I just find I don’t trust a lot of people with my shit because you know they can and will fuck you over if it benefits them. 

Well that’s enough rambling haha I’m going to continue my blog and see where it takes me. Use it as a platform where I can express myself and motivate myself to set and attain my personal goals. I hope I will also be able to inspire others to do the same! 🙂 

Here’s to giving myself, and this blogging business, a second chance!! 🙂

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