Tag Archives: #flashback

The Truth About Pregnancy

pregnant and die

Who remembers this quote and movie? If you said this is the crazy gym teacher from Mean Girls then you are right!! 

I feel as though this quote portrays how sex ed went back at my high school. It was already a taboo subject as I attended a Catholic school but they made a point to teach us sex-ed. I remember the gist of the class going somewhat like this… “Don’t have sex. However, if you do decide to have sex wear a condom. Condoms protect you from STDs and pregnancy. If you chose not to wear a condom you will become pregnant”. I also remember a lot of talk regarding Chlamydia and Herpes… They must have been the scarier STDs haha


Now that I am older and have become more knowledgeable about pregnancies I can call bullshit on this high school knowledge! The truth is that you MAY become pregnant if you have unprotected sex. 

From my personal experience, I was on birth control for about 10 years and with husband (have been together for 6 years now) we never really used condoms and I have never had a pregnancy scare while taking my “pill”. Then I stopped taking “The Pill” so that I could make an informed decision and become pregnant. Now you can imagine my disappointment every month when Aunt Flow came to visit. Now, I am not one to sit around and hang out with my self pity party of one haha so I started doing some reading and here are a few things I found interesting;

*You have a 15% chance to conceive each month

*Your window to conceive is VERY narrow… about 12-24 hours

*Sperm can live in you for an average of 3 days

*Best time to have sex to conceive is 4-5 days prior to ovulation (since the sperms live on inside of you)

*1/5 pregnancies end up in miscarriage, most of these before the mother realizes she is pregnant 

I feel as though this information has made me realize that pregnancy isn’t this super easy thing. Yes, the conceiving part is easy (and let’s be honest fun ;)), however the timing is what get’s difficult! Now add a husband who is away literally half the time! Cutting your chances to conceive in half! Plus when he is home, you’re just hoping he is home in the “window of opportunity”!! This information also game me some space to breathe. I don’t know about any other women out there who were not able to conceive “right away”  but I definitely had a feeling that it was my fault and that something HAD to be wrong with me because women should just be able to become pregnant right? It’s just what we do! Now I know “it’s what we do”, just need to “do it” at the right time!! 


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