Tag Archives: #monday


This is one of the reasons why I like taking weekly pictures! 

In both collages, the picture on the left is Week 1 and the picture on the right is Week 5. 

Each week I take progress pictures in which I wear the same outfit and try and do the same poses and hold the phone at the same angle. Then the pictures look alike as much as possible which help when comparing them.

One of the reasons I like doing this is that it is easier to see progress in weight loss. I can say that I am very hard on myself and have a difficult time seeing results/changes when just looking at myself in the mirror on a day to day bases. Sometimes all I can see is that I am not where I would like to be when I look in the mirror. Which is odd because sometimes I just feel like a sexy slim/fit bitch lol and then I look in the mirror and I am like damn this body does not reflect how I am feeling right now! So when I look at this pictures I can see that my back looks different, with less back rolls hahaha, and that my waist and legs have slimmed out. I can even tell that my face appears slimmer in the picture on the right compared to the picture on the left.

Another reason why I like to do these progress pictures is because you can’t trust the scale… she a lying bitch for sure! lol So in the weeks of this weight loss thus far I have only managed to shed maybe 2-3 lbs, according to the scale. Which can be very discouraging if that is all you are looking at. Imagine, eating clean and working out 4-5 times a week for 5 weeks and only loosing 3 lbs.. .depressing.. Makes you feel like your efforts aren’t worth shit and that basically you are fighting a losing battle! So if you can look at your picture and actually see progress it’s very encouraging! Gives you motivation to keep pushing and to keep eating clean! Like your efforts are paying off and can do this! 

This pictures remind me of how much work I put into this and that it is working; that I just need to keep pushing and that I can and will attain my goal. It may be not tomorrow, or next week, or even next month but I know I will get there. And I know that as I get closer to it the better I will feel. Weight loss is able about hard work, good nutrition and being consistent! 

So to anyone out there who is feeling defeated or feels like there are no changes, try taking weekly progress pictures and see if this is successful in motivating you! I hope it does! 🙂

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Meal Prep Monday!!

I’m a firm believer in meal prepping and having healthy snacks on hand! If you’re hungry and you don’t feel like making anything, it’s already there ready to go! So instead of reaching for that frozen pizza, or that take out on the way home, you can just grab something healthy you have already made! Plus, then you don’t need to rack your brain and try and figure out what you’re going to have to eat that day! Which is another bonus!

I’m quite money conscious, so for me this is another motivator to make sure I eat the meals that I prep! I do not like to have to throw away the meals that I have made because I made bad decisions and chose to eat something else over them. Plus, I don’t love cooking haha so I don’t want to waste all the meals I took the time to prepare… or else what is the point in making them right.

So this week I wanted to make something other than chicken breast, since I’ve been having my fair share of it the last few weeks haha so I switched it up with… wait for it…it’s super exciting…. chicken sausages!! I know, I know, it’s pretty much the same lol but it’s still a nice change. It’s higher in fat, which is good because I having some difficulty reaching my fat goal for the day!

So here is this week’s prep!


Yumm yumm! I know I continue to have broccoli and sweet potato! What can I say, I like them haha! I think in next week I’m going to have to eat a couple more grams of carbs though! I feel like I need a bit more since I usually have this meal post workout or at lunch time!

So this is: 2 chicken sausages, 3/4cup broccoli and 120g of sweet potato! 

Calories: 428

Macros: 40P/34C/16F


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