Tag Archives: #cleaneating


Finally things are working out!! So I have recently read Tosca Reno’s book “Eat-Clean Diet Recharged” and things just clicked! I already knew about what food were clean and what portions should look like.. but I don’t know… things just came together and I got it! So Sunday I sat down before going to do the groceries and I organized my 6 meals a day for the upcoming week! So I went and bought my food and prepped what needed to be prepped. Then it was like magic… the lbs were just dropping off my scale! 

I started Monday at 180lbs (heaviest I have ever been in my life, an quite depressing actually) and this morning (Friday morning) I weighed in at 173.6lbs!! How crazy is that!! That’s almost 2lbs/ day!! WHATTTT!!!! So I know this is basically all water weight but still haha progress is progress and it’s just nice to see the scale number drop instead of climb! 

So anyways, I had my cheat today soo I will have to see what my weigh in will be like in the morning. I also pick Friday as my cheat because I know I always go to the gym and go hard during Step Class at my local Goodlife! I usually burn about 510 calories in the 45 minutes (as per my Polar). However, I kept more under control this week for my cheat. I use to eat an entire bag of chips… like family size haha plus chocolate! Lol I never fucked around with my delicious cheat foods ❤ 🙂 But I tried to make smaller portions of cheats now! Then I don’t undo all the work I put in throughout the week!!!

Will continue on with this clean eating approach for now as it seems to be working!! 🙂 Everyday getting closer to that goal!! 

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This is one of the reasons why I like taking weekly pictures! 

In both collages, the picture on the left is Week 1 and the picture on the right is Week 5. 

Each week I take progress pictures in which I wear the same outfit and try and do the same poses and hold the phone at the same angle. Then the pictures look alike as much as possible which help when comparing them.

One of the reasons I like doing this is that it is easier to see progress in weight loss. I can say that I am very hard on myself and have a difficult time seeing results/changes when just looking at myself in the mirror on a day to day bases. Sometimes all I can see is that I am not where I would like to be when I look in the mirror. Which is odd because sometimes I just feel like a sexy slim/fit bitch lol and then I look in the mirror and I am like damn this body does not reflect how I am feeling right now! So when I look at this pictures I can see that my back looks different, with less back rolls hahaha, and that my waist and legs have slimmed out. I can even tell that my face appears slimmer in the picture on the right compared to the picture on the left.

Another reason why I like to do these progress pictures is because you can’t trust the scale… she a lying bitch for sure! lol So in the weeks of this weight loss thus far I have only managed to shed maybe 2-3 lbs, according to the scale. Which can be very discouraging if that is all you are looking at. Imagine, eating clean and working out 4-5 times a week for 5 weeks and only loosing 3 lbs.. .depressing.. Makes you feel like your efforts aren’t worth shit and that basically you are fighting a losing battle! So if you can look at your picture and actually see progress it’s very encouraging! Gives you motivation to keep pushing and to keep eating clean! Like your efforts are paying off and can do this! 

This pictures remind me of how much work I put into this and that it is working; that I just need to keep pushing and that I can and will attain my goal. It may be not tomorrow, or next week, or even next month but I know I will get there. And I know that as I get closer to it the better I will feel. Weight loss is able about hard work, good nutrition and being consistent! 

So to anyone out there who is feeling defeated or feels like there are no changes, try taking weekly progress pictures and see if this is successful in motivating you! I hope it does! 🙂

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End of Week 5

First off happy Superbowl to whomever is watching it right now! 

I myself just came back from the restaurant where we celebrated a friend’s birthday! I am currently regretting my food choices as I now feel disgusting! So bloated it’s unreal… Thank goodness for peppermint tea tho! Brewing a cup as I speak, well type 😛 Always helps me digest after a big meal, love it!




Anywho, back to serious business! These are my pictures from this week after completing my 5th week! Still nothing crazy regarding changes but there are some, such as, smaller back rolls! Which makes me more than happy, because really… who enjoys having back rolls… definitely not this girl…

I also switched it up this week, I did make it to the gym everyday, minus Thursday for a rest day, and I didn’t work on different body parts every time I worked out. Just wanted to try out something new at the gym… and it seems to be working. At this point I assume that as long as I’m doing SOMETHING then hopefully the weight will come off. I build muscle pretty easily, so if after I lose some weight I find that I do not have enough muscle tone then I can go back to daily muscle groups. But more cardio based workouts are better for me at this point I think. If I find it’s not effective, then I can tweak it then. 

Monday: 40 minutes of Body Shred,

Tuesday: 35 minutes Spin Class

Wednesday: 40 minutes Stairmaster

Friday: 35 minutes Pump Class

Saturday: 45 minutes Step Class + Leg Workout

Sunday: 35 minutes Body Flow + 20 minute incline walk

Furthermore, I didn’t even keep track of macros this week. I know what foods are healthy so ate those when I was hungry. I tried to keep the bulk of my carbs during the day, and just a little bit at supper time, tried having a good amount of protein and tried having a good amount of veggies. And my scale went down throughout the week. I would even say that my eating wasn’t 100% clean everyday but that the numbers on the scale continued to decrease so that’s encouraging.

So ya just going to keep going and push through it! Had some rougher days this week where I felt like giving up and just sleeping in and not going to the gym but I made it! And I know that even know I can’t always see them, small changes are happening. Just need to remain patient and I know I will see the big changes when they come!

Hope everyone had a good week and is treating themselves tonight for the big game!!


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