Tag Archives: #fit


Finally things are working out!! So I have recently read Tosca Reno’s book “Eat-Clean Diet Recharged” and things just clicked! I already knew about what food were clean and what portions should look like.. but I don’t know… things just came together and I got it! So Sunday I sat down before going to do the groceries and I organized my 6 meals a day for the upcoming week! So I went and bought my food and prepped what needed to be prepped. Then it was like magic… the lbs were just dropping off my scale! 

I started Monday at 180lbs (heaviest I have ever been in my life, an quite depressing actually) and this morning (Friday morning) I weighed in at 173.6lbs!! How crazy is that!! That’s almost 2lbs/ day!! WHATTTT!!!! So I know this is basically all water weight but still haha progress is progress and it’s just nice to see the scale number drop instead of climb! 

So anyways, I had my cheat today soo I will have to see what my weigh in will be like in the morning. I also pick Friday as my cheat because I know I always go to the gym and go hard during Step Class at my local Goodlife! I usually burn about 510 calories in the 45 minutes (as per my Polar). However, I kept more under control this week for my cheat. I use to eat an entire bag of chips… like family size haha plus chocolate! Lol I never fucked around with my delicious cheat foods ❤ 🙂 But I tried to make smaller portions of cheats now! Then I don’t undo all the work I put in throughout the week!!!

Will continue on with this clean eating approach for now as it seems to be working!! 🙂 Everyday getting closer to that goal!! 

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Just do it!! F “Fat Pants”!!


Well here’s a little recap of this past week thus far… I worked… stayed on top of my game regarding my eating anddd my working out… So really it’s been a generally positive week I would say!

However, I did rip yet another pair of pants (inner thigh once again)!! Let me tell you, that is NOT the way to start a morning! I am usually a pretty happy person and I usually don’t let this kind of thing get me down but OMG lol ripping 2 pairs of pants within 2 weeks, CMON!!! I didn’t think I had gained THAT much weight but that made me feel as though I had haha for sure… At least my weight is going down this week, so that makes me feels better!

So anyways I was holding out to purchase new pants, because   you know, the old “I’m not buying new pants cuz I’m going to lose all this weight” excuse… But then I found myself only fitting into 3 pairs of tights (one of them becoming super sheer haha) and barely fitting into one of black jeans (giving me intense muffin top)… and let’s not forget dreading having to get dressed in the morning for work… longing for those days where I could just put on a pair a scrubs and be on my way… loll

Also, I did not want to go buy any new pairs of pants because I just didn’t want to see what size I would need to buy to finally feel comfortable (and have something other than tights to wear). I felt like as long as I didn’t purchase new pants (in a new size) I could deny the amount of weight I had gained, it wasn’t real. However, I could no longer avoid this and had to purchase a size up.

So I did it; I was out at the mall today and purchased a new pair of pants in a new size. I am hoping that they will not fit for long, but for now I am glad that I have purchased them. Now that I have a pair of pants that fits appropriately, maybe I will feel better about how I look when I get dressed in the morning… and stop… well maybe not stop but decreased the amount of time I spent pointing out my muffin top rolls in the mirror!

To all of you, especially ladies, who are avoiding purchasing new clothing in hopes of weight loss, I would advise to just buy some! Don’t get the expensive stuff, just some in-betweeners! Feeling good about yourself will be adventitious in  your weight loss journey! It will give you the confidence to push yourself at the gym and make you feel like you can do this, that you can eat chicken for the 10th time this week!

Let’s all do it!! Let’s keep pushing!!!

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